Monday, March 7, 2011

Web 2.0 Timeline Creation With Teachnology

Last week, I had several teacher requests for an application or website that would allow students to create a timeline.  Social studies classes are doing research projects and teachers are looking for easy ways to depict dates and events in history.

There are a number of online timeline creation sites and I am sharing one that is simple and allows students to develop either horizontal or vertical timelines with up to nine events/dates.

Teachnology is a free online resource for K-12 teachers that provides many different resources including: printable worksheets, rubrics, online games, lesson plans, webquests, and more.

Their timeline creator "keeps it simple" and can be used by elementary students with ease.

You choose the type of timeline you want, enter a title, dates and events, and click create.

This is the finished product with just one click.

I have used this website with 3rd grade students and older.  It is one that teachers want bookmarked on every computer.

Try it with your students if you need a simple to use timeline and let me know how it worked by commenting on this post.  Enjoy this simple, but effective tool and check out the many other tools that you will find on the Teachnology website.

Note - Teachnology does offer a subscription but many of their resources are free, without a log in.

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