Monday, November 29, 2010

What's in a Glog? Using Glogster for Multimedia Posters

Glogster is a Web 2.0 tool that provides you an opportunity to create a multimedia poster (glog) online. Your poster can include video, audio, pictures, text and other creative elements. No more cutting magazine pictures to and letters create posters. You drag and drop elements into your poster. It this tool is new to you,  check out the examples and videos that are available. Glogster Edu provides educators with a free account. Note: A premium account is available but I suggest you keep it simple and begin with the free education account.  Once you create and save your project, there are several ways to publish it.  Make sure you follow your school's acceptable use policy for sharing.

Here is my very simple glog poster.  I have a link to my blog and two videos that will provide some ideas on how to use the tool.  The opportunities for creativity are endless.   Here are some ideas for using Glogster Edu with your students.  But, like all tools, it is essential that you have a basic understanding of how to create a glog.  Try it yourself.  It's easy to learn.  

If you want to read more about Glogster Edu, this link will connect you to the site overview.

If you are looking for a way to explore digital storytelling, Glogster Edu may be the answer for your students. If you are already using Glogster Edu, share your glogs and leave a comment about your experience. I believe this tool keeps it simple enough for elementary students to be successful using the tool but it is engaging enough for middle and high school students.  The ability to include multimedia elements, makes it cool enough for kids.

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